Bicycle Talk Episode 212: August 24th 2020 Ron’s Rant: Horse poop again? Amish Country roads. The righteous cyclist: A poem. Positive Side: Lyft and Uber do the right thing. Dutch Reach...
Bicycle Talk Episode 211: August 17th 2020 Ron’s Rant: More horse poop? Really? More discussion from listeners comments. On a positive side: Steeplechase Bike Tour Results and comments. 40 year veteran o...
Bicycle Talk Episode 210: August 10th 2020 Ron’s Rant: Horse Poop! Secondary rant, Ron gets buzzed by yet another pickup truck. Why is it always a pickup truck? On a positive side: Trail maintenance clea...
Bicycle Talk Episode 209: July 27th 2020. Ron’s Rant: Fight Club / Bike Club What’s with all the bike fighting out there? Are you fighter or a lover? Are you afraid of your bicycle? Chinese import tariff...
Bicycle Talk Episode 208: July 27th 2020. Ron’s Rant: Fence around the federal building in Portland OR blocks popular bike lane during protests? Ron gets run off the trail by a bunch of stupid tight packed bik...
Bicycle Talk Episode 207: July 20th 2020. Ron’s Rant:
The great experiment moves forward. 2020 Tour de France is on. Are we ready? Is it time? On a positive side: The Tour de France united. What...
Bicycle Talk Episode 206: July 13th 2020. Ron’d Rant: Covid. Do we have this all wrong? Get outside. Hiding indoors is not the answer. Be smart mask up and get out into the fresh air. Shimano's&nbs...
Bicycle Talk Episode 204: June 29th 2020. Ron’s Rant: Please be patient with your LBS! People, relax On a positive side: Domestic manufacturers feed the boom. Mechanics association raises fu...
Bicycle Talk Episode 203: June 22nd 2020. Ron’s Rant: Looting and Bicycle Shops. A Philadelphia shop owner speaks out. Positive Side: Mountain Laurels in Connecticut and Happy birthday to the greatest cy...
Bicycle Talk Episode 202: Ron’s Rant: The Lenco Bearcat. Don’t know what that is and how it connects to bicycles? Keep listening. Also more talk on improper use of Police Bicycles. Positive Side: Trek’s ...