Bicycle Talk Episode 301: June 27th, 2022: Ron’s Rant: Study: SUVs, pickups hit pedestrians more often than cars do . Really? On a positive side: Last week was the 300th episode of Bicyc...
Bicycle Talk Episode 299: June 13th, 2022: Ron’s Rant: I’m back to the price of Gas again. Ron runs a few facts about the price of gas, supply and demand, and how we have the power to change...
Bicycle Talk Episode 298: June 6th, 2022: Ron’s Rant: How close is too close when you are passing a cyclist? Is this a game? I think not. On a positive side: It’s Farm to Fork Fondo Se...
Bicycle Talk Episode 293: May 2nd, 2022: Ron’s Rant: Cycling Gradient Anxiety Ron rants about steep brides and early season riding. On a positive side: It's been a year. Ron talks about that...
Bicycle Talk Episode 286: March 14th, 2022: Ron’s Rant: Gasoline. How about that price of gas? Time to use the bike. So, the main subject for today's Bicycle Talk Episode 286 is going to be ...
Bicycle Talk Episode 281: February 7th, 2022: Ron’s Rant: Women’s College Basketball, I know it’s not bikes but Tennessee ladies please? Egan Bernal and TT bikes. On a positive side: The war on car...
Bicycle Talk Episode 279: January 24th, 2022: Ron’s Rant: Vision Zero Meeting. Take backs and common sense issues. Speed and size of vehicles, DUH, And how much are we spending to get the ans...
Bicycle Talk Episode 276: January 3rd 2022: Ron’s Rant. Vision Zero lost its way in 2021. Can Eric Adams get it back? Ron rants on the former NYC Mayors history and is hoping for better from Mayor Adams....
Bicycle Talk Episode 274: December 20th, 2021: Ron’s Rant. The Myth of the Demon Biker. Why is it that bicycle pedestrian accidents get more media attention than motorized vehicle / pedestrian acci...
Bicycle Talk Episode 271: November 29th, 2021: Ron’s Rant. Wisconsin is back. Details evolve. Why don’t we impound motor vehicles when they have been used to attempt murder? Many states...