Bicycle Talk Episode 375: December 13th 2023: Ron’s Rant: We need a revolution. And I not talking about just spinning your wheels. Ron talks Bicycle Revolution. On a positive side: Roundabouts coming to CT...
Bicycle Talk Episode 374:December 6th 2023: Ron’s Rant: Distracted Driving Statistics & Facts In 2023. A total of nine people die every day in the United States from distracted driving. If you ride a bi...
Bicycle Talk Episode 373: November 29th 2023 Ron’s Rant: Trek Bicycles and it # 4 ranking for trademark infringement. On a positive side: Tomorrow is Frannie’s Birthday! USA Cycling Launches New Eve...
Hosts Keshav and Ishika chat with Dr. Ryan Talbert about the sociology of mental health. They cover societal influences on mental well-being, challenge biomedical perspectives, and discuss the impact of cultur...
Michael Loeb is the CEO of a venture collective based in NYC. He started it with Rich Vogel, CFO and COO of, after selling his previous company, Synapse Group, to Time Inc. Michael ...
Bicycle Talk Episode 371: November 15th, 2023: Ron’s Rant: Skinny roads save lives, according to a study on the width of traffic lanes. Well no kidding! And this is new news?
On a positiv...
Bicycle Talk Episode 370: November 18th, 2023: Ron’s Rant: Get out and vote, tomorrow is election day! Size matters: Bike size vs car size.
On a positive side: Fran is back on her bike! UConn Basketball...
Bicycle Talk Episode 369: November 1st, 2023: Ron’s Rant: Wow, Ron is speechless, life is good, and not much to rant about today, although it is getting cold.
On a positive side: More Cyclocross in CT a...