The Episode

Sometimes when you tell people you’re a humanities major, they look at you like you just said you have 6 months to live. Is life with a humanities degree all that dismal? In this episode, Ali is teaming up with two other UConn students, Sahar Iqbal and Alice Hu, to tell the stories of humanities majors who aren’t just employed but doing something their humanities degree prepared them for. This is Humanities Majors Are People Too.

The Podcast

Professors Are People Too is a show hosted by an English major looking to find the person behind the Ph.D. Trying to rebuild the professor-student relationship, host Ali Oshinskie takes us on a tour of the professors who transformed her learning experience from lecture-hall lost to office-hour happy. In collaboration with University of Connecticut’s English Department and WHUS, UConn’s Sound Alternative, this podcast ventures off the syllabus into lessons that can’t be graded.

The People

Sahar Iqbal, Class of 2019, talked to Professor Jerry Philips about the tension between humanities and STEM majors and what each field of studies offers to both students and society.

Alice Hu, Class of 2020, talked to Kathleen Holgerson of the UConn Women’s Center about being a woman in the STEM field.

Ali Oshinskie, Class of 2017, talked to Rhiannon Corby, a radio producer at The New Yorker Radio Hour about how she got from history major to dream job.

 Other Episodes!

Episode 5: Victoria Ford Smith

Episode 4: Dwight Codr

Season 2: Introduction

Episode 3: Sean Forbes

Episode 2: Cathy Schlund-Vials

Episode 1: Gina Barreca

Please subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play or wherever you get your podcasts. So many options!


  • Podington Bear – Twosome
  • Podington Bear – Dowl
  • Podington Bear – Halflight
  • Podington Bear – Chauncy
  • Podington Bear – Boop
  • Composed by Nick Thornburn – Bad Dream (Theme from Serial)


Transcripts will be posted within one week after the episode airs.

About The Author

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