Bicycle Talk Episode 378: January 17th 2024: Ron’s Rant: Baby it’s cold outside! Farm to fork Fondo has their last event in July of 2024. On a positive side:Shout out to TCC for their annual...
Bicycle Talk Episode 377: January 10th 2024 Episode 377: Ron’s Rant: Enough snow to shovel but hardly enough to play in.
And Have you ever been doored? Hmmm. On a positive sid...
Bicycle Talk Episode 375: December 13th 2023: Ron’s Rant: We need a revolution. And I not talking about just spinning your wheels. Ron talks Bicycle Revolution. On a positive side: Roundabouts coming to CT...
Bicycle Talk Episode 374:December 6th 2023: Ron’s Rant: Distracted Driving Statistics & Facts In 2023. A total of nine people die every day in the United States from distracted driving. If you ride a bi...
Bicycle Talk Episode 373: November 29th 2023 Ron’s Rant: Trek Bicycles and it # 4 ranking for trademark infringement. On a positive side: Tomorrow is Frannie’s Birthday! USA Cycling Launches New Eve...
This week, I finished up some Thanksgiving themes, including why cinnamon is good for you: blood sugar, cholesterol, antioxidant, and antimicrobial! I also talked about the health benefits of gratitude and med...
This week, I talked about a few things. It was a good week to remind people that while the days are rapidly getting shorter, the loss of minutes is going to slow down at the end of November, and we will STOP l...
This week, I talked about Thanksgiving stuff. This episode is intended to be a companion to shopping, traveling, cooking, and otherwise preparing for Thanksgiving 2023. I talked about the tradition of the Turk...
On Saturday, 11-11-23 I went down to Mystic for the LymeBytes conference. This week, I give an update of some of the things I learned. This week I focused on treating mold intolerance along with tick borne ill...
This week, I talked about a study that came out suggesting that people with long COVID may have viral remnants, or even actual virus, in their guts, and this is preventing them from making adequate seroto...