Bicycle Talk Episode 228: December 20th 2020: Ron’s Rant. Update, 5 cyclists killed by a box truck outside of Las Vegas Nevada. Driver faces six counts of reckless driving? On a positive side: Update: Fr...
Gavia Baker-Whitelaw, a longtime journalist who covers fandom, film, and television. As a journalist, she has written for The Daily Dot and has recently started her fast-growing Behind the Seams channel on you...
Anderson Silver just released the third book of his Stoicism for a Better Life Series. When it comes to the fundamentals of Stoicism, its relation to Determinism as well as its overall impact, Silver is the pe...
Jack F. is in the top 9% of competitive chess. Not only that, but he was impressive enough to beat me in only 16 moves (maybe that's not as big of an accomplishment). In this chess-related episode, we discuss ...
Happy Hanukkah! Our COVID-19 Quarantine and Helpful Supplements, Pelvic Pain
Last Thursday, Ron had an acute GI bug, from which he recovered very quickly. However, unknown bugs are COVID-19 until proven oth...
Bicycle Talk Episode 226: December 7th 2020: Ron’s Rant. COVID. Yup, possible exposure, quarantine , etc. Ron rants Covid test. On a positive side: Great update on the east coast greenway project....
Bicycle Talk Episode 227: December 14th 2020: Ron’s Rant. 5 cyclists killed by a box truck outside of Las Vegas Nevada. Driver faces no charges? On a positive side: Update: Fran’s condition . How’s she d...
This podcast is a digital archive of the WHUS News Team broadcast which airs on 91.7 FM once a week.
This episode aired on December 4, 2020.
For the news, we covered which analytics that professors can s...
This week, I gave a short update about my fracture healing process. Then I went into bruising, why it itches, why all the pretty colors, and some help for it. I also talked about histamine sensitivity and into...