Today we talk with Akira Dunham, an investor at Connecticut Innovations. Akira is a Hillside and UConn alumni with an engineering background. His interests and passions lie within helping underserved founders through a new fund at Connecticut Innovations and the issues with urban planning / transportation.
Akira’s Info:
Twitter – @dunHAMandcheese
Welcome to the Hillside Ventures Podcast,
Shivam Patel and Joseph Roberts talk about the latest in venture capital and entrepreneurship as student venture capitalists in Hillside Ventures, the University of Connecticut’s $1M student run venture fund.
Hillside Ventures:
Website – https://hillsideventures.uconn.edu/
Twitter – @HillsideVentures
Substack – https://hillside.substack.com/
Contact us:
shivam.v.patel@uconn.edu / Twitter – @SPAT_6joseph.roberts@uconn.edu / Twitter – @Broadwayyjoee