Bicycle Talk Episode 326: December 26th 2022: Ron’s Rant: And this lovely Christmas present form the Hartford Courant on December 25th: Pedestrian fatalities at highest rate in Connecticut in over three decades, data says. More in the show. On a positive side: Always a Shout out to Billy “too tall” Doujac and Laura Mullaley. Best wishes from Fran and I for speedy recoveries. Funding Bill Contains $45M for New Active Transportation Program. Shout out to listener and follower, not to mention avid cyclist Tom Fruciano from Arizona. La vita e bella! Mechanical minute and cycling tips: Daylight goes away fast during the winter season and biking at night can be very dangerous. Ron goes over tips for being seen at night and at dusk and dawn. Content: Best cycling events of 2022 recap. What a year. By far the best of the grand tours ever. What Year-End Data From Strava Says About Cyclists. Ron talks about the active transportation program. Diving a little deeper about being seen and getting yourself ready for those New Year’s resolutions. Events and finishing points.