Bicycle Talk Episode 308: August 15th, 2022: Ron’s Rant: Why you should always stop at a red light. On a positive side: Ron and Fran reflect on their lovely ride on Sunday to a small cafe in Willimantic. It’s Steeplechase Bike Tour week. and A shout out to Too Tall Billy! You have a big ride tomorrow and we will all be cheering for you. Mechanical minute and cycling tips: Look over that bike today for this Saturday’s event. And never over or underestimate the fitness that you are in for a cycling event. Content: It’s Steeplechase Time! This Saturday, August 20th, in Willimantic CT. Ron explains the 31 year event and talks about the founder Ed Austin. A humorous look at cyclists: 22 Signs That You’ve Got A Serious Road Cycling Addiction. 22 Signs That You’ve Got A Serious Road Cycling Addiction. More local events this week. SteepleChase Bike tour. Lots of great cycling coming up soon. and finishing points.