Bicycle Talk Episode 248: May 24th, 2021: Ron’s Rant. The trails are alive with comments on Facebook! “All bicycles should be equipped with bells to be rung when passing walkers from behind, particularly on rail trails!” Ron rants on bells, earbuds and user etiquette on the trails. On a positive side: A bump in the road update. Ron keeps listeners up to date on his condition. The Maintenance Minute: What’s with those blue tires? And, do you have a working bell for your multi use trail bike? Content: Lot’s more talk about those trails and the multiple comments on facebook. Ron talks about the Giro and Egan Burnell. Also talks about past champions. More racing to come. Where is Wout van Aert? Bike commuting almost doubles over past two decades, according to report. Local events in the next few months, and finishing points.