Husky Nation News
Husky Nation News
Husky Nation News: Episode 35

This podcast is a digital archive of the WHUS News Team broadcast which airs on 91.7 FM once a week.

This episode aired on September 27, 2019.

This week, we featured two news packages. The first one covers the student climate strike that urged the University to take important action against climate change, produced by News Director Kara Murray. The second covers Student Health and Wellness’s new condom delivery service gloveBOX, produced by WHUS Correspondent Shira Tall.  

USG Vice President Manny Chinyumba sat in the studio with us to talk about the projects he’s working on this semester, USG’s new goal of transparency, and the impact he hopes to leave on UConn when he graduates.

This episode was produced and hosted by Kara Murray. 

This podcast is in collaboration with The Daily Campus and UCTV at the University of Connecticut. Ethan Smith is the creator of our theme music.