Bicycle Talk Episode 311: September 5th, 2022: Ron’s Rant: California’s Governor Newsom. California Assembly Bill 1713 On a positive side: Another shout out to Too Tal...
This week we went biliary! Lots of people have gallstones and pain from them, but may not be directed yet to have their gallbladder removed. So, we talk about natural ways to calm gallstone colic and possibly ...
Bicycle Talk Episode 310: August 29th, 2022: Ron’s Rant:Local Cyclist hit by Dump Truck in Rocky Hill while out riding with her son. Ron reflects on Laura Mullaley’s story. The quality (or la...
This week we spent time on a great question from a listener, Judith. She remarked that a lot of us are having issues with inflation, so how about some information on inexpensive home remedies? It was a great i...
Bicycle Talk Episode 309: August 22nd, 2022: Ron’s Rant: Councilwoman Amy DeGise comments on her hit and run of a cyclist. Lady, you hit a guy on a bike and didn’t stop. Just who do you think you a...
This week we started out by discussing why deep breathing is good for you. There are so many reasons, but the main ones are that you lower cortisol, which in excess is destructive to body tissues, and you incr...
Bicycle Talk Episode 308: August 15th, 2022: Ron’s Rant: Why you should always stop at a red light. On a positive side: Ron and Fran reflect on their lovely ride on Sunday to a sma...
This week I talked about a few topics! Not exactly a natural medicine thing, but I talked about how to preserve your fashion hair color if you like to go swimming, and what kind of shampoo to use! I also comme...
Bicycle Talk Episode 307: August 8th, 2022: Ron’s Rant: The infamous behemoth vehicle. Ron relays a story from this past weekend. On a positive side: Listener writes in and comments off...
This week I talked all about hydration, because, you know, heat wave. Fruit juice, whether salt is good for you, varying electrolyte drinks, post-workout hydration, aborting cramps. I also talked about the ben...