Bicycle Talk Episode 225: November 30th 2020: Ron’s Rant. At the end of last week’s show, Peloton and Spinning. In the fact check department. On a positive side: Update: Fran’s condition and one of...
Bicycle Talk Episode 224: November 23rd 2020: Ron’s Rant. Wet leaves! A reflection on last weeks show and a Follow up on who it was. Dr. Fran Storch. On a positive side: Guess who rides a bike! Mo...
Bicycle Talk Episode 223: November 16th 2020: Ron’s Rant. Wet leaves! Ouch. A friend had a bad experience with them this past weekend and ended up with a fractured shoulder. Ouch! 6 weeks and she will be...
Bicycle Talk Episode 222: November 9th 2020: Ron’s Rant. Â Detection devices for upcoming vehicles. Why is Garmin all alone here? On a positive side: Shout out to Bike Walk Bolton and the cleanup on the H...
This week I talked about the CDC's statement on how COVID-19 is spread, basically being exposed to aerosols, worse if unmasked, within 6 feet of an infected person for more than 15 minutes. Droplets are easier...
Whew, Election Day 2020! At this writing I don't know who won the election and I'll edit when I find out. I talked about election day stress, which most people are feeling regardless of your side of the aisle....
: November 2nd 2020: Ron’s Rant. Vote and voting for Bicycles. Make this year special and ride your bicycle to the polling station. #RolltothePolls. Bike Thefts Are Up 27% in Pandemic N.Y.C.˜Sleep With I...
I talked a little about having a safer Halloween. I reminded people that sadly, there is an uptick in COVID-19 cases all over the country, even in Connecticut, although it's not as severe here as in the Midwes...
Bicycle Talk Episode 220: October 26th 2020: Ron’s Rant. The famous line from Game of Thrones and what are you doing to prepare for it? What kind of shape is your indoor training plan in? On a positive s...
This week, Ron really wanted to know if he should get a flu shot, since Medicare and the media are marketing to him that he's high risk and should absolutely get one. I discuss the pros and cons of getting one...