The STEM Fund started operating in the Fall semester of 2023 and is led by our own UConn students. In this episode, we talk with seniors Joseph Roberts, a Finance major, and Nicholas Janus, an Electrical Engin...
This week, I talked about Thanksgiving stuff. This episode is intended to be a companion to shopping, traveling, cooking, and otherwise preparing for Thanksgiving 2023. I talked about the tradition of the Turk...
On Saturday, 11-11-23 I went down to Mystic for the LymeBytes conference. This week, I give an update of some of the things I learned. This week I focused on treating mold intolerance along with tick borne ill...
This week, I talked about a study that came out suggesting that people with long COVID may have viral remnants, or even actual virus, in their guts, and this is preventing them from making adequate seroto...
This week, I updated on my orthopedic condition and did some show-and-tell of some topical products that are helpful for musculoskeletal issues. I kept the brands out of it but discussed the ingredients! Cooli...
This week I talked a little about the reunion, and updates on my progress with nervous system and orthopedic stuff, which right now are doing OK! Then we talked about some my Bill Gurley the expert, and my fav...
Bicycle Talk Episode 371: November 15th, 2023: Ron’s Rant: Skinny roads save lives, according to a study on the width of traffic lanes. Well no kidding! And this is new news?
On a positiv...
Bicycle Talk Episode 370: November 18th, 2023: Ron’s Rant: Get out and vote, tomorrow is election day! Size matters: Bike size vs car size.
On a positive side: Fran is back on her bike! UConn Basketball...
Bicycle Talk Episode 369: November 1st, 2023: Ron’s Rant: Wow, Ron is speechless, life is good, and not much to rant about today, although it is getting cold.
On a positive side: More Cyclocross in CT a...