Bicycle Talk. Episode 387 March 20th 2024 Ron’s Rant: Fox News Bogus report “How e-bikes are exploding and killing people”. And a heart felt comment to Peter Sagan. On a positive side: Classics! March 16, 2024, Milan-San Remo Crazy finish. And, A New Study Proves E-Bikes Are Pretty Damn Great for the Future of Humanity. Why electric bikes actually give more exercise than pedal bikes. Mechanical minute and cycling tips: Staying safe on that new E-Bike. Content: Listener Comments. Why E-Bikes are good for Humanity. Ron talks about e-bikes and fitness bonus. A discussion and explanation of VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled. New book coming out, Live to Ride. And how the Americans have traffic engineering all wrong. Classics! March 16, 2024, Milan-San Remo Crazy finish. And Ron and Fran talk a little about Peter Sagan. Events and Finishing Points.