In this episode we take a deep dive into the EdTech industry where Jeeva Shunmugaraja and Dhanush Kotumraju talk about their experiences as student venture capitalists within the EdTech industry and their journey within Hillside Ventures.
Welcome to the Hillside Ventures Podcast,
Shivam Patel and Joseph Roberts talk about the latest in venture capital and entrepreneurship as student venture capitalists in Hillside Ventures, the University of Connecticut’s $1M student run venture fund.
Hillside Ventures:
Website – https://hillsideventures.uconn.edu/
Application Link: shorturl.at/uvxZ8
Twitter – @HillsideVentures
Substack – https://hillside.substack.com/
Contact us:
shivam.v.patel@uconn.edu / Twitter – @SPAT_6joseph.roberts@uconn.edu / Twitter – @Broadwayyjoee
Jeeva: Twitter – @jeevs92
Dhanush: Twitter – @dkotumraju