Bicycle Talk Episode 316: October 10th, 2022: Ron’s Rant: Impatient drivers. What’s the hurry? On a positive side: Another shout out to Too Tall Billy and Laura Mullally. The 2022 Mansfield Hollow Cyclocross Race. The final Farm to Fork Fondo for 2022. Mechanical minute and cycling tips: Check over that cross bike before this weekend’s event! Are gravel bikes good for cyclocross? And are they just a fad? Content: Ron talks more about the Rant. Ron explores why people are impatient and reflects on a story from this past weekend’s ride. Gravel World Championships. Mansfield Hollow Cyclocross Ron talks about the upcoming race with Fran. Let’s not forget. Garth the Chicken! From Last week’s promise: Top 10 Trails in Connecticut The Bicycle Calendar: Lots of great cycling coming up Events and finishing points.