springus flingus w/ whus

Los Retros Studio Interview

These are the kindest human beings ever. The interview shall be up on YouTube soon!

Jakob Lopez & SLVR

Jakob Lopez and SLVR opened the show with upbeat and smooth songs. Towards the end of their set, they danced in unison on stage with exquisite footwork. Great fits! Slay!

Los Retros

Los Retros are meant to be heard live. Prior to the concert, I was only familiar with their song “Someone To Spend Time With”. Then, their audio waves entered my earholes. The whole performance was a vibe. My friends and I were all bouncing in unison, and the music enveloped me like a puffy white cloud. The band members of Los Retros gelled together so seamlessly with the drums, bass, guitar, and keys. They closed their set with a cover of a song by The Strokes. Thank you Los Retros for gracing me with your presence! I am listening to your discography in my dorm room.

WHUS Peeps!

Otto likes Thomas more than me. :'(

<3 Liz