By Ally Urban
Disclaimer: It should be noted that I am part of the My Pride social media team. The purpose of this article and interview isn’t to promote but rather inform our audience about projects circulating in the animating community and process of creating a web-series.
On Friday, March 8, Madeleine Patton —a Canadian animator and writer since age 14— joined me on WHUS 2 via Discord for an interview about her potential upcoming show, “My Pride”.
Our conversation covered topics such as Maddi’s inspiration for creating “My Pride”, her animating process, the challenges of getting the show off the ground (such as getting funding) and more.
“My Pride” is Patton’s second original web series (the first being “Cow of the Wild”) and is currently in the running to receive funding from the Independent Production Fund (IPF), among other grants. The IPF is a Canadian organization that “provides equity financing for content creators of original Canadian drama series created for the web or mobile platforms” according to the IPF’s website.
The show has various characters with diverse and distinct personalities. These characters range from lions, to African painted dogs, to gods, goddesses and even ghosts.
The lead in this story is a disabled lioness named Nothing, who has to face the brutal challenges of survival after being cast out of her pride. Not only does the series follow Nothing’s adventures as she tries to find her path in life, but it incorporates important themes such as feminism, disability and learning to embrace who you are.
Intro and outro music composed, mixed and mastered by Alex Martini.

Stellar, insightful interview! Thanks!
This is one awesome interview guys!! I learned more about the series and the animator and I think that’s pretty rad.