By Andrew Smith

The seminars for the series were located in Wilson Hall in South Campus. Photo: Andrew Smith
On Monday November 5, the UConn Health and Prevention Services held the final seminar of the newly introduced Sexuality Series. Titled “Safer-Sex 101” the presentation consisted of an in-depth discussion and demonstration of a variety of safe sex supplies such as interior and exterior condoms, lubrication and dental dams.
Cassy Seltzer, a Health and Wellness Specialist who worked to develop the program, discussed how the impetus for creating the series was tied to the founding of the Latex League, a new group of sex educators being introduced to campus.
“We wanted to have something available for people to get involved with sex education that was at a lower level of commitment,” Seltzer says.
Seltzer says she hopes these presentations will facilitate a greater understanding and utilization of safe-sex supplies by students.

Wilson A113 classroom before the series was set to start. Photo: Andrew Smith
“The last thing we want is to create barriers to people getting safer-sex supplies, we want more people to have access to condoms and lubrication,” Seltzer says.
Subjects covered in prior sessions of the series have included Sexually Transmitted Infections and Pleasure. Seltzer says she is seeking to expand the selection of topics in the coming semester.
Regarding the sensitive nature of the concepts being discussed, Seltzer emphasized the creation of an inclusive environment and described the positive responses students have been having thus far.
“There are people that are uncomfortable with the topic and that’s okay. There are people that are super comfortable with the topic. We just try and make people, whether or not, just provide them with the best education we can,” Seltzer says.