Our third installment of the genre sessions features a conversation with Phd candidate Leslie Sabiston at the Department of Anthropology Columbia University, discussing Westerns and Indigenous representation. Stemming from the increasing mainstream visibility of Indigenous peoples through activism to decolonize and occupy, native roles in print, film and TV hold particular weight in portraying current perspectives on native issues and reflections on the history of settler colonialism. These issues can be explored further through archival collections highlighting activism of Native Peoples at the UConn Archives Alternative Press Collection. For previous genre sessions, see d’Archive episode 11 on Medieval High Fantasy and episode 13 on Science Fiction.
Featured Titles
Blood Meridian or The Evening Redness in the West, book Cormac McCarthy
Hell on Wheels, TV
Longmire, TV
That one film we couldn’t remember was Meek’s Cutoff, dir. Kelly Reichardt (2011)
Red Road, TV
West World, TV
Wind River, dir. Taylor Sheridan (2017)
Logo by Melica Bloom