Rich Vogel is the COO and CFO of Loeb.nyc a venture collective based in NYC. As startup investors Rich and his business partner, Michael, have invested in many successful startups with Fetch Rewards being one of their portfolio companies. Rich is also a UConn alum who has continuously helped out his fellow huskies.
Rich’s Info:
Twitter – @realrichvogel
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/richvogel/
Loeb.nyc – https://www.loeb.nyc/leadership
Welcome to the Hillside Ventures Podcast,
Shivam Patel and Issac Duru talk about the latest in venture capital and entrepreneurship as a student venture capitalist in Hillside Ventures, the University of Connecticut’s $1M student-run venture fund.
Hillside Ventures:
Website – https://hillsideventures.uconn.edu/
Twitter – @HillsideVentures
Substack – https://hillside.substack.com/
Contact us:
Email – shivam.v.patel@uconn.edu
Twitter – @SPAT_6