Bicycle Talk Episode 287: March 21st, 2022: Ron’s Rant: GMC and their hands free ad campaign. What are they thinking? Are we really there yet? On a positive side: Went out for a bike ride last Friday and it was 72 degrees! Wow, exciting. Lot’s of comments about the gas episode last week:Mechanical minute and tips: Indoor cycling to outdoor transition tips, What Is A Cycling Recovery Ride? Ron spends some time with Fran talking about recovery and also Fran’s latest medical situation. Long covid anyone? Content: TAIPEI Cycle draws 13,500 to in-person show. Some highlights from the show. Ron talks about some of the interesting ideas. Peloton in trouble again? Peloton co-founder steps down, as the company announces layoffs. Chicago Auto Show producers sponsor contest that produces awful victim-blaming PSAs. Local events, More local events this week. Women’s racing clinics, and finishing points.

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