Bicycle Talk Episode 274: December 20th, 2021: Ron’s Rant. The Myth of the Demon Biker. Why is it that bicycle pedestrian accidents get more media attention than motorized vehicle / pedestrian accidents? Ron also talks about the “heart thing”. On a positive side: A bump in the road update: Monthly progress report The Maintenance Minute: Christmas and your favorite cyclist. Bicycling Magazines list of presents critiqued by Ron and Fran. Content: Ron talks about The Myth of the Demon Biker. The media is at it again, disguising motorized vehicle incidents with bicycle to pedestrian camouflage. Also how the pandemic reduced cycling deaths. How much of your life do you spend in your car every year stuck in traffic. Reports from Chicago and New Jersey. Report: To Sustain the Cycling Boom, U.S. Must Build Up American Bike Manufacturing. Bring it back to the US. Astonishing information on how much of the bicycle industry is connected with China. Local events, Cyclocross, and finishing points.