Hey everyone!

Here’s another format to promote health and natural medicine! I thought I’d sum up what went on today with the show.

First of all, I was very happy to have Ron with me today, while Kate has some needed time off. Given that this is 1 1/2 weeks from The Steeple Chase Bike Tour, he gave us a plug for that. We’ll talk about that and the great sport of cycling next week! biker05

But just remember, you can ride the Steeple Chase, which is headquartered at the ECSU track and ballfield complex in Mansfield on Mansfield City Road, on Saturday, August 16, 2014. You can pre-register by getting forms around town, by going to http://www.steeplechasebiketour.org and downloading the form and sending or bringing day of, or you may sign up at active.com or bikereg.com. Incredibly beautiful routes through Northeastern CT, and a distance to suit your needs! As little as 10 miles and as much as 100 miles and everything in between…enjoy the sights, the hills, and the goodies at every rest stop! REAL BATHROOMS!!!


Ebola is in the news, since there is an outbreak in West Africa. It seems to start when people consume contaminated meat. It is not easily spread, but spread similarly to infectious hepatitis, by blood or direct contact with bodily fluids. It causes a hemorrhagic fever which can be life-threatening, which is why it’s so frightening. The sites where people are being treated are mostly using serum, meaning a purified extract containing virus-fighting antibodies from the blood of others who fought the illness. We discovered that there are some natural agents that can treat ebola, such as genistein, an isoflavone from soy and red clover; garcinia kola plant; and intravenous vitamin C. It is unlikely that there will be a widespread epidemic in the US because the infected are very well contained, and we just don’t have the hygiene and nutritional issues that are occurring causing spread in West Africa.

Are you a narcissist? 

Did you know that there’s an easy way to find out if someone is a narcissist? Just ask them! There is a test called the SINS, Single Item Narcissism Scale. It’s this: “Are you a narcissist?” Since they have no qualms about it, they’ll just tell you!

Hepatitis C

There are new drug treatments for hepatitis C. Some of the drug treatments are getting so good that RNA screens for viral load are showing no virus present. If you have hepatitis C and have not availed yourself of the new treatments, it may be time to put in a call to your gastroenterologist! Natural therapies for hepatitis C include milk thistle, which is antiviral and helps to regenerate liver cells; phosphatidylcholine, which the liver uses in quantity to regenerate itself; licorice, another great antiviral; and green tea polyphenols, which are also healing to the liver.


Produce is WONDERFUL right now…this is the time to head to your local farmers’ markets! The one here in Storrs happens from 3-6 pm on Saturdays in front of Town Hall. You can park on the street or in the south E.O. Smith parking lot. It’s a small but mighty farmer’s market, with organic produce, grass-fed raw milk and goat cheese, baked goods, organic coffee, health and beauty products, and even entertainment! And don’t forget to get out and move..we are having some great weather so enjoy the trails, lakes, rivers, and roads for cycling!

You can write to radionaturopath@gmail.com at any time! You can also call or text Radio Naturopath live on Wednesdays from 10:00-11:00 AM, at 860-486-9487. We’d love to hear from you!

Next week: Ron co-hosts again and we talk about the joys of cycling and fitness!

Have fun!

Fran Storch, N.D.

Host of Radio Naturopath