Bicycle Talk Episode 305: July 25th, 2022: Ron’s Rant: The 2022 tour is over. Very sad but….. Having TDF Withdrawal from the greatest TDF since the 80’s and before. On a positive side: Jonas...
Today I talked about Healthy Coke, an on-line viral entity that may not be so healthy. It has balsamic vinegar and seltzer, and may not be so good for your teeth, just like regular Coke. So, we talked about wa...
Bicycle Talk Episode 304: July 19th, 2022: Ron’s Rant: What is happening in the TDF! All is in a turmoil. Pyrenees on the horizon? And, Video shows CPD officers confronting, striking teen on ...
This week it was about less fun but necessary topics. Poison ivy is no fun, super itchy, and can range from annoying to problematic to even dangerous. Here's some useful tips to deal with it naturally. Of cour...
Bicycle Talk Episode 303: July 11th, 2022: Ron’s Rant: Why cobbles in the tour de France? And then there was the hay bale. It’s of unexpected excitement at the TDF. On a positive side: ...
Today I talked more about yin yoga and how it's a simple thing that most people can do especially to help improve their back health, Great relaxing and stretching! I also talked about the Bounty of the Season....
Bicycle Talk Episode 302: July 5th, 2022: Ron’s Rant: People line up for 1 mile Boom Box Parade on July 4th and most are in cars and trucks? Really? On a positive side: The Boom Box Parade. T...
This episode continues a conversation from Episode 43 with archivist Melissa Watterworth Batt about poet Charles Olson (1910-1970) and his collection which documents an intensive study into Herman Melville's p...
This episode features a conversation with archivist Melissa Watterworth Batt about poet Charles Olson (1910-1970) and his collection which documents an intensive study into Herman Melville's personal library a...
Today I talked about Canada Day, since Canada is the first place I practiced naturopathic medicine! Then I moved on to talk about my views on choice in light of the landmark overturning of Roe vs. Wade on Frid...