Bicycle Talk Episode 189 March 11th 2020. Ron’s Rant of the week: Covid - 19. Enough already! Everyone is canceling everything. Bicycle Races here and abroad, Bicycle events, and now there is even concer...
This week we reviewed the wonderful Know Your Farmer Fair, where I got a great pair of alpaca wool gloves, some fire cider, and a horse hair bracelet. We got to talk with local farmers about their wares! ...
It’s the 2020 Know Your Farmer Fair! It’s at Town Hall in Willimantic, CT. It’s a great way to get to know the local people who grow your food! There will be produce, meat, eggs, cheese, honey, maple syrup, ...
I wasn’t on last week because of bronchitis! Will I get to have a year that I don’t catch this malady? Anyway, I rested, ate soup and drank tea, and took immune and lung herbs, and mucolytics. Joe from Covent...
The whole Coronavirus thing is scary. It’s a new strain that hasn’t been seen in humans before, 2019-nCoV. It likely came from an animal vector from a market where exotic animals are purchased for food. T...
Mark Wahlberg and Dr. Oz got into it! I think it’s pretty funny but it’s a topic worth discussing. They both got into their corners and said Everyone Should Do Things This Way. The thing is, they’re both rig...
This week we talk about normal body temperature, since a recent study from Stanford University collected 20th century data and found that Wunderlich's data from 1851 was outdated. Body temperature has decreas...
All about NEEM, an ayurvedic herb that cured my athlete's foot, I'm so excited! Plus other things Neem helps, like hair, skin and nails, and reducing inflammation and infections. Body lotion can be nice ...
I managed to catch a cold while in Florida. The good thing is that I was in Florida, didn't have to work, got to lie about and relax, lie in the sun, and eat fresh-picked citrus! So I was only sick fo...
Last week I got my first kidney stone! Not so unusual; there is about a 1 in 10 chance that anyone will get them, men around 19% and women 9%. Why am I so lucky? Probably a combination of age, dehydratio...