Bicycle Talk Episode 195 4-27-2020 Ron’s Rant: Besides Covid-19 Grrr. Enough already. Connecticut primary postponed. Tomorrow was to be election day. Covid – 19 Yup, it’s still here. Spread it out folks there’s lots of places to ride. Positive Side: The indoor cycling apps. Are you using one? They are saving the sanity of the shut in cyclist. Maintenance Minute: Shout out from listener, Mike Ignatowicz from Tucson, AZ and Canton, C. DIY service on rear hub and Ron points out shifting issues used by hub problems and frame alignment. Content: Ron talks in more depth about indoor training programs. Fran chimes in with explanation of her Swift and wahoo Kickr. Ron talks about recent Op-ed from the Hartford courant: “State has chance to reassess proper street usage” Now is the time to change! Finishing notes: Ron’s 65th and his 65 K bike ride with Fran. Events: Dismal and shrinking.