HHE #67: 21 Savage and MIKE Kyle French January 18, 2019 Album Review, Albums You Might Hear This Week, Music, Music Announcements, Podcasts, Songs You Might Hear This Week, Talk, The Hip Hop Enthusiast Audio Playerhttps://24b9eb400710dac81e8d-597f4ed4ea6895a41e2bd2978eb66730.ssl.cf5.rackcdn.com/Hip%20Hop%20Enthusiast/HHE%2067.mp300:0000:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. The Hip Hop Enthusiast #67: Album reviews for I Am > I Was by 21 Savage and War in My Pen by MIKE, Hot in the Streets Song of the Week from SAINt JHN, and New Music Announcements for the first big drop date in 2019! (Recorded January 11)