By Danielle Chaloux, reporting from Paris

The first weekend of October heralds the coming of a cultural tradition in Paris. Known as Nuit Blanche, the all night experience features artists of all varieties from all over the world.

Even cool temperatures and some rain couldn’t keep locals and tourists alike from revelling in the thrill of staying out all night. Visitors took in works by artists of international renown, such as Pakistani Imran Qureshi, whose ‘flowers of blood’ was installed earlier this year on the roof of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Trapeze artist and French native Chloé Moglia, was set up on the newly opened Petite Ceinture project in the 15th arrondissement.

Some artists were improvising and trying out new ideas.

“I’m Gerald Champion, I asked Basil to help me with the drum arrangements, and I work with a musician called Robin Leduc for the CD. And in fact, tonight was the first time Basil and I worked together!”

Both musicians were pleased with the outcome of the evening.

“It was great; really very good. A little band, in a small setting with a lot of really good energy. . .it was really nice tonight!”

Set up in a kiosk in Parc Montsouris, the musicians were just one exhibit to see in the area. Installations that played with light and color provided Instagram ready backgrounds for the groups of young and young-at-heart art lovers roaming the city. One group of girls was prepped for the event with scarves, umbrellas, and of course the camera phones.

“It’s fun to see our friends, and to explore Paris a little bit in the night, not just during normal hours. It’s nice to spend an evening together and to discover the experimental.”

The “evening” however was planned to end when the sun came up.

“We’re staying out all night! We started at 8:30, and we’re going to stay out all night. We’re going to try and see as much artwork as possible.”

“It’s very original, in fact; its very surreal. we have a lot to listen to, a lot to see. It’s really interesting.”

The celebration of art and expression continued all the way through the wee hours of the morning, when the artists packed up and Paris slowly returned to it’s regularly scheduled programming of classic masterpieces and romance.

Image credit: y.caradec