As New England fall weather finally begins to set in at UConn, students should begin preparing for the inevitable and fast-approaching flu season. This year, UConn’s Student Health and Wellness Department will once again be offering a free flu vaccine drive for all students.

In what is becoming an annual SHaW tradition, shots of the flu vaccine will be available to students free of charge, as long as a valid UConn ID is presented. Students wishing to participate should register online through their student health portal. 

Registration for vaccine appointments is now open, and appointments will remain available on a rolling basis until Nov. 14. As registration for one day of the drive closes, the next will be open the following morning. 

Though in past years, SHaW’s flu vaccine drive has been held in South Campus’ Rome Ballroom, this year SHaW will be opening its own doors to the student body. Vaccines will be administered by Student Health and Wellness staff in the Hilda May Williams Building, SHaW’s headquarters on Glenbrook Road. 

For the next two weeks, vaccines will be given out on Nov. 8 and Nov. 14. 

As flu season creeps closer, Student Health and Wellness officials encourage all willing students to receive a vaccine, in order to keep their peers, and their campus, healthy and safe.

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