By Patrick Shea

La Luz is an American rock band that was founded in 2021 by Shana Cleveland, Marian Li Pino, Alice Sandahl and Abbey Blackwell. The idea behind the music they create is to blend surf music with garage rock and a dash of psychedelia. They released their first album, It’s Alive, in 2013 and then, Weirdo Shrine, two years later. When both albums hit the mainstream, the band was off and running, later putting out their third album, Floating Features. All three albums were highly rated and described as a mystical feeling of psychedelia. Their fourth album, La Luz, was a self-titled album that was just released a few months ago. The album is a blend of electric guitar and eerie melodies that creates a relaxing atmosphere when listening to.

On August 20th, 2021, the Los Angeles Rock band, La Luz, released their self-titled fourth album, La Luz. The album displayed a mixture of sonic array and psychedelic melodies that symphonized their listeners all the way through. The soft beats and surf guitar provides a soothing melody in every song transporting the listener to a state of total relaxation. Their first song, “In the Country” starts the album off on a slow pace filled with electric guitar and tender strumming achieving this state of nirvana. Their next song, “The Pines” opens up with eerie strumming that initiates a sort of vibration that moves up and down the body forcing the listener to want to dance. Later on in the album, La Luz introduces a more rock type of song, “Metal Man” that shows the talented capabilities the band has to change genres. The album then leads into a very soft melody composed of psychedelic keys and ‘lazy’ sounds, “Lazy Eyes and Dune”. This is their softest song in the album and the band does a great job portraying the sounds to the name of the song. A ‘lazy’ melody with an uplifting chorus that creates this sense of eeriness halfway through the album. The remainder of the album does a great job capturing the mellow atmosphere the band created making this album their slowest album yet.

Overall Album Rating: 7.5/10

Best Song in the Album: In the Country