Bicycle Talk Episode 98
May 9th 2018 Ron’s Rant. The Ford motor company. Starting in 2019 they are discontinuing the manufacture of their sedans and smaller cars. This puts nothing but trucks on the roads w...
Bicycle Talk Episode 99
May 16th 2018 Ron’s Rant. Suggested by Ron’s guest. Cyclists not using hand signals and people riding on sidewalks. Half completed bike lanes. Positive side, it’s bike to work w...
It's time to get back to basics! Let's review naturopathic medicine, and the six basic principles. We'll start this week with The Healing Power of Nature, Vis Medacatrix Naturae. I realize I like food, so I've ...
Berries really can save lives. Eat more berries, live longer! They help clear your mind and make it work better, prevent diabetes, help with weight loss, give you energy, and improve circulation. Cocoa flavanol...
It's suddenly summer! You CAN overdo it with the SUDDEN arrival of summer-like weather, that too much yard work or exercise can be too much of a good thing. Take good breaks in between! Stretch, drink water, te...
May 2nd 2018
Ron’s Rant of the Week: That “Sponsored” rider that proudly wears the uniform of the business or organization that is supporting them who come upon another rider on the road or trail and is not...
This week it's about the antioxidants, but also about the wine. Some people are in the gray zone with drinking. We focus on stressed out moms who use a little too much wine as a coping mechanism. It's a MEME, b...
Bicycle Talk Episode 96:
Ron rants about People not letting their kids ride bicycles because they feel it is unsafe. Seque’s into guests, Laura and Kevin Mullaly of Wethersfield. On a positive side ron addre...
Today we had Jessica Tracy, who's the recreation director at the Mansfield Community Center on, and is a Certified Athletic Trainer and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Her dad has Parkinson's di...
Bicycle Talk Episode 95: Ron’s Rant of the Week: Bicycle shop Trolls. People who constantly complain about bicycle shops and their prices and refuse to accept that these are professionals that won’t be there i...