In this episode, I talk with Danny and Anneke of Spring Valley Student Farm about sustainable farming, global food systems, and the benefits of intentional community.
You can connect with SVSF through their Instagram and Facebook pages, or email Danny and Anneke directly with questions. Any inquiries about Spring Valley Student Farm’s Finding Our Roots initiative or interest in joining a food sovereignty reading group can be directed to Anneke.
Anneke’s email: anneke.levine@gmail.com
Danny’s email: daniel.mitola@uconn.edu
Talking Across Activisms is a podcast about activism in Connecticut and beyond. Talking Across Activisms aims to provide a platform for grassroots and radical organizers to share their perspectives on justice and liberation. Follow us on Instagram and keep up to date with the blog for more articles about activism and social justice.
Daniel “Danny” Mitola
Anneke Levine
Music: Find Your Way Beat – Nana Kwabena