Bicycle Talk Episode 259: August 23rd, 2021: Ron’s Rant. Lance the mob boss Armstrong. Ron spends the weekend with one of his targets. On a positive side: A bump in the road update. Ron keeps listeners up to date on his condition. The Vuelta Espania, Steeple Chase Bike Tour. FTF Fondo’s! The Maintenance Minute: Maintaining your body and preparing for events as important as maintaining your bicycle. Some quick tips for your next event. Content: Ron Talks about Floyd Landis and his pleasant visit with him this past weekend. Some background on Floyd’s Company and CBD. Also, the highly opinionated Ron speaks out out Lance Armstrong. Details on the past week at the Vuelta Espania. 3 weeks ago we were talking about commuting and bicycles and left off here: Road Rage from Geico: Local events in the next few months, and finishing points.