Bicycle Talk Episode 241: March 22nd 2021: Ron’s Rant. This is from the “we are watching you” department: Also known as the didn’t someone get the memo department. It’s 2021! Ron talks about increased parking plans in Boston. On a positive side: Fran rides 2 days in a row! Outside and not on Swift! Sweet!!! Let’s talk about those first few miles on the road vs the trainer or spin bike. The Maintenance Minute: Airline Trail North: Bring a trail saw with you this time of year. Taking part in cleaning your rail trail. Birthday shout out. Content: City Data Show Almost All Of Boston’s New Housing Is Being Built For Car Owners. Ron reflects on a listeners insight to being seen on the road. It comes from motorcycle training! And more talk on the bicycle industry, predictions, uncertainties, and “the glut”. Quick talk about the classics. Events calendar, the classics are back! Local events in the next few months, and final thoughts.