May 8th Bicycle Talk: Ron’s Rant of the Week: Consider Your Fellow Riders Stop and help with flat tires, cramps, and mechanicals. On a positive side: Team 26 finishes their ride to Pittsburg.&...
By Kara Murray
Oozeball, UConn's famous mud volleyball tournament, celebrated its 36th anniversary on April 27 as part of Spring Weekend. Over 300 teams played this year on the courts behind the North Campu...
Spring Weekend's food trucks and frightful weather were accompanied by some furry and friendly faces at the Storrs campus on Saturday during Fresh Check Day.
On April 17, 2019, at about 7 p.m., roughly 70 students gathered in the Student Union Ballroom for an evening of empowerment and healing. Described as such by the Women’s Center, Take Back the Night is an annual event for victim-survivors of sexual violence, created in collaboration between the Violence Against Women Prevention Program (VAWPP) and the Women’s Center.
By Kate Ariano
History did not repeat itself here at the University of Connecticut on Tuesday, April 9 when conservative speakers from Turning Point USA came to campus for violence was completely avoide...
Disclaimer: This opinion piece features strong language to emphasize the intended message. The strong language is not used with a meaning to offend.
“Go back to your country!”
I think I was maybe six or...
UConn's NAACP chapter celebrated black excellence on campus. The event consisted of music, food, speeches and student performances from Praise Dance Ministry to Voices of Freedom.