Bicycle Talk Episode 290: April 11th, 2022: Ron’s Rant: The Wind. Ron talks about spring and the excessive wind and what you can do about it. On a positive side: Signs of spring! Street sweeper sighting. Scott Hamilton, what do you call an old figure skater? Colorado approves bill to let cyclists ride through red lights Mechanical minute and tips: E-bike questions. There are so many things we need to know. Content: Remember this Wednesday is e-bike day in Hartford. Ron has the answers to many of the bike questions. Most of today’s show has to do with the little we know about e-bikes. . Ron discusses why parking spaces are not as important as bicycles and buss’s for business. Ah the classics Amnstel Gold Weekend. Great classic Men’s and Women’s racing. Local events, More local events this week. Women’s racing clinics, and finishing points.