Bicycle Talk Episode 95: Ron’s Rant of the Week: Bicycle shop Trolls. People who constantly complain about bicycle shops and their prices and refuse to accept that these are professionals that won’t be there i...
Ron was away at an interview, so Fran filled in for Bicycle Talk. This is Fran's entry to the episode: Fran interviewed the INSANELY AWESOME Amber Pierce, who is our friendly local world renowned professional b...
Ron’s Rant. More talk about driverless cars with the addition of distracted drivers. 9 people killed in the US involving distracted drivers. Positive side: Shout out to the success of last weekend’s Uconn Cycli...
Bicycle Talk Episode 91 Ron’s Rant: Self driving cars, Arizona pedestrian walking bicycle across the street is killed by Uber driverless car. On a positive side: New York Times article says, Older bicycle r...
Bicycle Talk Episode 90
Ron’s Rant of the Week: Responsible vehicle purchases. Do you really need that large motorized vehicle? How difficult is it to pass or navigate that TLV around the pedestrian or cyclist...
Album Reviews for No News is Good News by Phonte and The Widows So...
Bicycle Talk Episode 89
Ron’s Rant: More on Vista Outdoor and the Bicycle industry boycotts of product sold by them. Positive side: It’s almost Spring! Sign at the local outdoor center and nursery says only 2 ...
Album breakdowns for Khrysis and Elzhi are Jericho Jackson by Jeri...
Bicycle Talk Episode 87
Ranting about the Bucket List. Positive notes from NAHBS in Hartford last weekend. Mechanical Minute: Inspect that bike for cracks and internal rust. Listen to your bike to detect pro...
The roomies talk about who loves more in a relationship, PDA, and cheating.