Tim and the Weez Episode XX: The Breakfast Club And An American In Paris
Tim and the Weez celebrate their 20th episode with an analysis of high school solitude in The Breakfast Club. They then travel to post-WWII Paris and dance with Gene Kelly in An American in Paris.
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Tim and the Weez Episode XIX: The French Connection and Shane
Tim and the Weez discuss the Machiavellian methods of "Popeye" Doyle in The French Connection and then delve into the allegories of Corporate America in the classic western Shane.
Image credits: bit.ly/...
Austrian Circle 10: Environmentalism and the Free Market
There are solutions that don't involve force, government and law in regards to the e...
Tim And The Weez Episode XVIII: Ben-Hur And Forrest Gump
Tim and the Weez compare Ben-Hur to modern day religion and American cultures and government. They also reflect on America through the eyes of the innocent in Forrest Gump.
Image credit: Catherine Chen @...
Austrian Circle 9: War, ISIS, Syria, and Our Enemy Maker, The State
The State and the military corporations who benefit from war create their own enemies t...
Tim and the Weez Episode XVII: The Gold Rush And Wuthering Heights
Tim and the Weez discuss the continued comedic influence of Charlie Chaplin's The Gold Rush and discuss the class division and revenge in the 1939 version of Wuthering Heights starring Laurence Olivier.
Radio Naturopath Episode #38: New Cholesterol Drug, New Female Sex Drive Drug!
There's a new drug in town! One's for lowering cholesterol, one's for increasing female sex drive. If you take one, you'll need the other. Find out why!
Photo by Internet Archive Book Images ...
Tim and the Weez Episode XVI: Metropolis And Dances With Wolves
Tim and the Weez discuss class conflict with Fritz Lang's 1927 classic Metropolis and cultural integration with Kevin Costner's 1990 seven Oscar winner Dances With Wolves.
Image credit: bit.ly/1QjafMC &...