How to Prevent and Treat Sunburn, Olympic Redux, 10 Healthy Habits of Olympians For You
OK, the sun is good for you, but sunburn just plain hurts! Plus you can get sun damage or even skin cancer later in lif...
Cycling Cross Country, Interview with Graylan Vincent, Bicycle History: Velocipede and High Wheeler
Ron talks about all those folks riding across the country! We have a few friends doing it. One of them is G...
Five Diseases Prevented By Exercise, Gluten At the Restaurant
The British Medical Journal published a study showing that there are five diseases that can be prevented by 12 hours of movement/week! That seems...
And, Chris Froome takes it! Ron's wrapup of the excitement at the Tour de France. Why police on bicycles are a good thing. And, the local Steeple Chase Bicycle Tour is coming!...
Bicycle clothing is important! It should fit like a second skin, not get in the way, and increase comfort and function on the bike. If you're riding with your kid and they have a helmet, so should you! Plus, Fr...
How can you tell if a painful joint is Lyme, bursitis, or something else? What can you do naturally for arthritis and degenerative joints? Also, an introduction to food intolerances....
More Tour de France, Farm to Fork Fondo VT, Local Cycling Events
Ron gets into it with more about the Tour! Plus, a great long ride in Vermont, and all the local cycling you'll ever want to do!...
Alternatives to Common Steroids, Bicycling Prevents Diabetes
I'm very concerned about the availability of catabolic steroids available over the counter for minor complaints, like itching, rashes and allergie...
Ron is STILL excited about the Tour de France, and we are full into the second week! Plus a shout-out to BikeWalk Connecticut, and exploring some of Connecticut's rail-trails. ...