Hypnotherapy can be used for many different conditions and for relaxation! It can also help to reduce stress. Listen to Ron and eaglemoon talk about it all!...
A GREAT interview with LaToya Tyson, program manager at AIDS Connecticut! All about access to testing, treatment, care, what HIV/AIDS is, safer sex practices....
Half-wheeling is what you do on a group ride to secretly compete with your buddy and then deny it! Here's what it is and why it's not a good idea. Plus, more about the upcoming Cyclocross Nationals in Hartford!...
There are some new products on the market discussing the activation of Nrf2, an anti-oxidant and anti-aging system in all the cells in your body. A lot of the great antioxidants are found in common healthy food...
Ron rants about how cyclists need to give back to the community more! It's almost time for the 2017 Cyclocross National Championships in Hartford. Did you know that Elaine Chao, former Secretary of Labor under ...
So I ask the perennial question, Should you watch what you eat around the holidays? One day may not make or break you, but eating extra and cutting back on exercise from now until January might add up over time...
Ron got to discuss the Ride of Silence with Chris Phelan, the founder, and an active participant, Lacey Nickell. More work needs to be done on safety for cyclists on the road, and to educate motorists on how to...
Well, we finish up discussing our newly elected incumbent president. Then I discuss the great stuff I learned about sinusitis and clearing up the terrain for overall health!...
Ever have a bike vs. car encounter where the car driver reminds you that he/she is a taxpayer? Ron deconstructs the notion of how taxes actually get paid. Plus, more about riding the rail trails, including the ...
Donald Trump got elected president of the United States. People have varying opinions and feelings about this state of affairs. One of them is not knowing what the future holds. Ron and I grapple with the reali...