At their 25th anniversary fashion show, the Black Student Association created a show named "Femme Noire" that showed off the power and grace of the black woman.
The annual UConn car show took place this past weekend April 15, at Rentschler field. The show was organized by the UConn Car Club and is considered to be one of the largest automotive enthusiast gatherings in Connecticut.
A 39 degree windy Wednesday couldn’t stop the University of Connecticut as it kicked off the spring season with UConn’s 10th annual Earth Day Spring Fling event.
The field of astronomy is growing on the Storrs campus with new astronomy faculty, astronomy-related research programs and clubs and the launch of an astrophysics minor next year.
John J. Preli and Len Polhemus from IBM spoke to University of Connecticut (UConn) students and industry professionals about artificial intelligence (AI) computers such as IBM Watson.
The Chinese Undergraduate Student Association (CUSA) and the Vietnamese Student Association (VSA) of the University of Connecticut hosted a Lunar New Year Celebration in Rome Commons last Saturday with music and performances.
The African Student Association (ASA) held their annual Fashion Show Je Suis Arfique (I AM AFRICA) on Feb. 17 at 6 p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom at the University of Connecticut.