Bicycle Talk. Episode 424 December 25th 2024. Ron’s Rant: UL Safety Standards legislation cut from the latest budget balance bill. Setting the safety standards for Lithium batteries was removed as Congress reached a compromise. Once again the safety of people who ride bicycles and use them for transportation, is not important in this country On a positive side: Ron wishes everyone a happy holiday. PeopleForBikes Celebrates Passage of EXPLORE Act, Expanding Access to Outdoor Recreation Nationwide Mechanical minute and cycling tips: How Cold is Too Cold to Ride a Bike Outside? Fred Matheny has some words to share. Content: Ron continues from today’s rant to talk about the fires created by faulty e-bike batteries. Should You Buy Your Kid an E-Bike? The positive side of the holidays. A Christmas Tale of a Stolen Bicycle. And another really nice Christmas story shared. Mathieu van der Poel flawless through rain and sand to dominate Superprestige Mol-Zilvermeercross . ‘In cycling, you can just buy success’ – Jonathan Vaughters on financial fairness, super teams and the sponsorship dilemma. The Giro starts in Albania this year. Plans finally announced for 2025. Events and Finishing Points.